Just discovered the Dark Horse by checking in with the marvelous Ms. Mac's Grownups Drawing Together class . Having gone through my own dark journeys for awhile now, I think this will be cathartic for me. So Thank you Laurel B. I just went to my local library to request they get a copy or more of Ishita Jain's new SEARCHING FOR SUNSHINE and thought to check out your name--they have both of yours and not too long of a wait......Some folk are sharper than I am about new books, but i am learning.

by the way, wendy mac has lost a few pounds, due to that nasty covid--so enough loss where it's noticeable. i am down to 95 now due to, in my case, cancer in 2020, the exact same month as the covid--talk about a dark place---everything shut down and here am I completely ignorant of CANCER except now I know a lot more. Bless Ruth Bader Ginsberg---she had it more than once whereas I am in remission (from the chemo-Nasty and the Radiation--not as Nasty but still bad news). Dark Place is an understatement.

Tell your pal, my favorite teacher to go get something to eat---I will send food to get her up to snuff, if I have to. Every time I open her GUT class and begin to read, within minutes she has me weeping with what I have decoded as a combination of sadness, humility, but joy, gratitude and a kind of love of the universe through the kind and jubilant words of wendy mac.

The same feeling I get when I started to read Maria POPOVER, a remarkable and inspired writer, who is relatively new to me as a reader. I suspect you will bring about the same kind of joy so you are more than welcome. I think we all could use more light in our life, Too much gloom n' doom. Here is to the wise women or crones wearing the crown of life celebrating being alone or together, whatever whatever we want it to be.

. Laurel, the first comment-tee on this page says it all..." Sadly funny and beautiful. just enough strength and awe to be heartbroken anew." Amazes me how there are so many words to describes that spirit that seems to infiltrate one's consciousness in the oddest, most way-ward, wilding way.

you are all marvelous!!! jmr

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Error---sorry Aimee, it was what you wrote that made me happy. You are right on the mark> have a happier evening and a good week..

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And here's my error! I posted under my comment, not yours. Please read below dear Jeanne!

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Laurel! So sadly funny and beautiful. Perfect for this season of renewal that gives just enough strength and awe to be heartbroken anew.

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Jeanne, you marvelous journeyer of Dark Places. I picture you paddling your canoe through rapids and under shadowy overhangs, around uncertain bends, then breaking into light so warm and bright you see through to the swaying water plants and shimmery fishes. Thank you for sharing with us and commenting on my comment. It made me smile before bed last night. PS Laurel's book was made to fit your heart!

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